ruby My favourite Ruby on Rails engines Ruby on Rails Engines is one of the most powerful and underestimated features. Here are some of my favorite ones.
React 4 Techniques for Structuring Next.js Applications The way I structure React applications for the last couple of years. The focus is on decoupling and making it obvious what is used where.
GraphQL Testing GraphQL Backend in Product Hunt Custom tooling and conventions about testing resolver and mutation GraphQL ruby classes.
GraphQL How Product Hunt Structures GraphQL Mutations At the time of this writing, our codebase and related projects have 222 mutations. Here the guide on structuring GraphQL mutations.
ruby Dealing with N+1 in GraphQL (Part 2) How to deal with N+1 queries in GraphQL within Ruby on Rails project when Active Record's build in preload is not enough.
ruby Dealing with N+1 in GraphQL (Part 1) How to deal with N+1 queries in GraphQL within Ruby on Rails project using GraphQL::Batch gem.
GraphQL Handling User Permissions in GraphQL How to handle backend permissions and authorization rules in GraphQL, by exposing flags fields.
React GraphQL Mutations and Form Errors GraphQL's built-in mechanism for errors doesn't play well with forms. This is how I deal with form errors and GraphQL.
GraphQL My GraphQL With Apollo Talk I gave a talk at Frontend Developers Conference about how Product Hunt uses GraphQL with Apollo. Here are the slides and video of that talk.
GraphQL Learnings From Graphql Europe This weekend, I had the pleasure to attend GraphQL-Europe, the first GraphQL conference in Europe. This is a recap of most notable things I learned there.
GraphQL Introducing SearchObject GraphQL Plugin When I started using GraphQL, I immediately saw, that SearchObject would be a perfect fit for search resolvers.