process Bug Duty Process One common problem in project management is managing bugs. Over the last couple of years at Product Hunt, we have used the Bug Duty process to handle and deal with upcoming bugs.
Management My Manager Journal I've been keeping a personal journal for about 7 years now. Four months ago, I decided to start a dedicated "Manager Journal" to keep track of my work at Product Hunt.
product hunt How Not Implement Html Editor The story of technical failure at Product Hunt. We used Slate for an HTML editor and tightly coupled its internal structure to our database.
product hunt Collaborative Single Player Mode The Product Hunt engineering team has always been remote and it's surprisingly small for all the features and products we are shipping. One of our "secret" weapon for this is what we call "collaborative single-player mode".
Rails Organizing External Services in Rails Rules I use at Product Hunt to deal and structure external services in Ruby.
GraphQL Testing GraphQL Backend in Product Hunt Custom tooling and conventions about testing resolver and mutation GraphQL ruby classes.
product hunt Remote Onboarding Software Engineers at Product Hunt I'm often asked about the Product Hunt onboarding process for remote engineers. So here is the our onboarding process.
ruby Dealing with N+1 in GraphQL (Part 2) How to deal with N+1 queries in GraphQL within Ruby on Rails project when Active Record's build in preload is not enough.
ruby Dealing with N+1 in GraphQL (Part 1) How to deal with N+1 queries in GraphQL within Ruby on Rails project using GraphQL::Batch gem.
GraphQL Handling User Permissions in GraphQL How to handle backend permissions and authorization rules in GraphQL, by exposing flags fields.
React GraphQL Mutations and Form Errors GraphQL's built-in mechanism for errors doesn't play well with forms. This is how I deal with form errors and GraphQL.
GraphQL My GraphQL With Apollo Talk I gave a talk at Frontend Developers Conference about how Product Hunt uses GraphQL with Apollo. Here are the slides and video of that talk.
ruby Introducing KittyEvents Super simple publish/subscribe pattern using ActiveJob. You setup your events and list the subscribers for them. When an event is triggered, KittyEvents will fanout the event to each of your subscribers.