React 4 Techniques for Structuring Next.js Applications The way I structure React applications for the last couple of years. The focus is on decoupling and making it obvious what is used where.
React React and Graphql Optimization Story How sometimes is better to split React component into two than adding more props.
React Structuring React Components How I structure, React components at Product Hunt. The following component a directory pattern and optimizing for scanability.
product hunt How Not Implement Html Editor The story of technical failure at Product Hunt. We used Slate for an HTML editor and tightly coupled its internal structure to our database.
React How I use React.Context I get a lot of questions about how I'm using React.Context. A lot of people overuse it, and their applications become messy. Here are my tips.
React Extract React Hook Refactoring How to extract custom React hooks to refactor complicated logic in your components.
React Replace Conditional With Map Refactoring This is one of my favorite refactorings. It helps to group logic, making code easier to read and easier to extend.
GraphQL How Product Hunt Structures GraphQL Mutations At the time of this writing, our codebase and related projects have 222 mutations. Here the guide on structuring GraphQL mutations.
React Building Autolink Component in React How to build a React component which takes the text with URLs and adds links there. It uses a little known string.split feature.
GraphQL Handling User Permissions in GraphQL How to handle backend permissions and authorization rules in GraphQL, by exposing flags fields.
React Announcing <React.NotAConf /> The (not a) conference would be held 28th April at The Generator (Sofia, Bulgaria). It is free to attend. ⚛️?
React GraphQL Mutations and Form Errors GraphQL's built-in mechanism for errors doesn't play well with forms. This is how I deal with form errors and GraphQL.
React Testing React Components Tricks Couple of minor tricks, which makes testing react components easier and future proved.
React Feature Flags in React Almost every feature in Product Hunt starts with a feature flag. Here is how to have feature flags with React.
React Handling Paths in React Application React Router uses the Link component for specifying url. This string works but doesn't protect us from mistyping and other issues.
React Flow as Replacement for PropTypes Why using Flow is better than user React.PropTypes for handing prop validations.
React Using "data-test" in Tests A better approach for selecting elements during testing, than using custom class names.